Simplonline is a global network of socially engaged training centers that offer free, intensive courses in digital skills to groups who are less represented in tech. Simplonline is their collaborative learning platform, developed in-house by the SimplonProd team.

Brand development, UX/UI design: Kale Connor
Lead UX: Camille Hautreux
Product Owner: Thomas Simoni
Development leads: Didier Llopis, Marc Dijoux

banner simplonline.png


Design system pages

Design system pages



My collaborator Nesem Ertan and I created a visual identity for Simplon’s pedagogical brand, Simplon Touch. Afterwards, I was integrated into the SimplonProd team as a UX/UI designer on a complete redesign of the Simplonline application. The goal was to integrate the new visual identity into an application that was more user-friendly and accessible.

Design system pages

Design system pages



We completely rethought each function of the platform and built a new design system in order to assure the consistency and logic of the interface. Alongside the lead UX designer Camille Hautreux, we continue to evolve the application as we add new features and receive feedback from the users.

Pages of the application

Pages of the application